


exams and exam registration

Exam Registration


Do I have to register for exams?

How do I register for exams?

I cannot register for an exam/ get an error message

What are the consequences of exam registration?

I forgot to register for an exam (in time). What can I do?

Can I unregister from exams?



Which exam(s) do I have to take in a particular course?

When do exams take place? How is the procedure?

What happens if I fail an exam?


Whom can I contact in case of questions?


Exam Registration

This document provides an overview of the exam registration procedure.

Do I have to register for exams?

  • Yes, at least if you want to gain the ECTS points for the respective class and have the result/grade entered in your transcript of records. 
  • I.e. if you do not register you cannot take the exam and the class does not count (i.e. it is as if you had never been to this class)

Please note: Exam registration is not (!) the same as class registration ("Belegen"). The two steps of registration take place at different points in time and the procedure is different.

How do I register for exams?

  • In the section "Register for exams" in LSF (after logging in with your Campuskennung; you can find an instruction in the LSF help); this section/function is only open during exam registration period
  • Successfully registered exams are listed in "List of exams registered for"
Please check before the end of the registration period whether all exams you want to take are listed here correctly. Please also download and save a copy of the PDF as a proof that you have successfully registered for these exams.

I cannot register for an exam/get an error message

  • The most common reasons are
    • you have  exceeded the selection options; this means that you have already registered for or taken the exam for an alternative option to the module you currently want to register for (e.g. you want to register for an exam in Basic Module 2, but have already taken an exam from Baisc Module 1; since you can only take either Basic Module 1 or Basic Module 2 or Basic Module 3, the system will not allow you to register for an exam from Basic Module 2 because this selection is blocked by the existing, earlier registration for an exam from Basic Module 1; for the different selection options and rules, please consult the checklist and/or the PStO). Module/exam selection is not reversible, i.e. once taken, modules cannot be deleted from the transcript in order to allow the later selection of an alternative.
    • You have already passed this very module exam in an earlier semester (then the module appears as BE in your transcript)

What are the consequences of exam registration?

  • Exam registration is binding.
  • I.e. if you have registered and do not take an exam or hand in an assignment, term paper etc. (in time), then you have failed the respective exam.

I forgot to register for an exam (in time). What can I do?

  • If you notice this before the exam date/submission deadline and if it is the first time that you forgot to register, then you can write to; we will then check whether it is possible to late register you (generally, late registration is possible only once during your study time)
  • If you notice this on the day of the exam/deadline or later, a late exam registration is no longer possible; i.e. you cannot take the exam. Any assignment you might alreay have handed in and/or any exams you might already have taken in this module are invalid and cannot be counted.

Can I unregister from exams?

  • Yes, it is possible to unregister via LSF up to three days before the exam date/submission deadline (example: for an exam on  February 7, 2022, February 4, 2022 was the last day on which unregistration was still possible; the exact time of the exam, e.g. February 7, 12-2pm, is not relevant for the calculation of the unregistration period - unregistration was, in this case, still possible all day on February 4).
  • If you cannot take an exam/hand in an assignment in time due to illness or other reasons for which you are not responsible, please contact the PAGS (Prüfungsamt für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften)

Medical certificates and other documents always have to meet the formal requirements defined by the PAGS and have to be handed in directly at the PAGS in due time (see information on the PAGS website). Please do not send such documents to examiners/university teachers.


Which exam(s) do I have to take in a particular course?

  • Which types of exam are possible, in principle, for a particular module can be looked up in the PStO ("Anlage 2" = Table at the end of the document)
  • It is up to the teacher/examiner to decide which of these options will be selected
  • For which module number you have registered a class during course registration ("Belegen") is listed in a document which you can download in LSF as follows:

Schedules > Registrations (PDF)

Please make sure that you register for the same module number during exam registration. In case of missing or wrong module numbers for one or several courses, please contact Please make sure that you do so before the end of the exam registration period.

When do exams take place? How is the procedure?

  • All relevant information will be provided in class by the teachers/examiners
  • The exam dates/submission deadlines can also be seen in LSF during exam registration

What happens if I fail an exam?

  • The options and conditions under which a failed exam can be repeated are listed in the PStO for every single module (table at the end of the document)
  • As a general rule (with very few exceptions), failed exams can only be repeated once
  • It is not possible to only repeat an exam and to do so in the same semester; exam repetition always requires attending a course of the same module (not necessarily with the same topic) again in the subsequent or a later semester and taking the exam in this course

Please note: If you have failed an exam for a WP-module (i.e. a module which you selected from a range of alternative options) you necessarily have to repeat this module; i.e. you cannot change your selection anymore (to give an example: If you have decided to do module WP 14 out of the selection between WP 14-17 and you fail the WP 14 module exam, you have to do a WP 14 module and the related exam again; you can no longer switch to WP 15, 16 or 17)

Whom can I contact in the case of questions







