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Weitere Informationen
Ingo Berensmeyer is Professor of Modern English Literature at LMU Munich. He has published on English literature from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century. His research interests are in literary theory, textual studies, book history and authorship studies. His books include Author Fictions: Narrative Representations of Literary Authorship since 1800 (2023), A Short Media History of English Literature (2022) and Literary Culture in Early Modern England, 1630–1700: Angles of Contingency (2020). He is a co-editor of the Cambridge Handbook of Literary Authorship (2019) and the editor of a Handbook of English Renaissance Literature (2019).
Research projects:
- Author Fictions: Literary Authorship and Authorpoiesis in Modern
English Literature” (VW Foundation “Opus magnum” grant, 2021–2022)
- Research on Authorship as Performance (RAP@UGent), Ghent University , 2009–2014
[Link: http://www.rap.ugent.be ]
- DFG funded project "British Women Writers 1945-1960" http://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/264357
- Database "British Women Writers 1945-1960": https://www.bwwbio.gwi.uni-muenchen.de
External funding
2020-22: "Signal and Sign: Prehistories of Connectivity" (Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership) 2015-22: "British Women Writers 1945-1960: Documentation, Interpretation, Cultural Impact Research". Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
2013–14: "Angry Young Women? Englische Schriftstellerinnen und literarische Konstruktionen von Weiblichkeit in den 1950er Jahren." Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.
2008: Six-year collaborative research project "Authorship as Cultural Performance: Citing/Siting the Author", with Gert Buelens and Marysa Demoor. Financed by the Special Research Fund of Ghent University.
2006: Five-year research budget financed by the Special Research Fund of Ghent University, Belgium.
2002–03: Postdoctoral research grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
"Connotations: Society for Critical Debate"
Academia Europea (2019)
Deutscher Anglistikverband
International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE)
Deutscher Hochschulverband
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
European Shakespeare Research Association
International Spenser Society
Renaissance Society of America (2017)
2023-2026 President, International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE)
2017: Co-editor, Contributions to English and American Studies book series (Peter Lang)
2015–2017 : Academic advisory board member, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
2014–2017: Directorial board member, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Giessen
2013–2017: Advisory board member, Deutscher Anglistenverband
2011–: Co-editor of Authorship e-journal <http:www.authorship.ugent.be>
2009–2018 Principal Investigator, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Giessen
Peer reviewing for various international journals, publishers and funding agencies including DFG, DAAD, ERC, FRS-FNRS, GACR