

Weik-Price, Heather

Heather Weik-Price



Übungen zur Sprachpraxis und zur Landeskunde
Intercultural Project
Prüfungsberechtigung: Staatsexamen (written 'Textproduktion'), Zwischenprüfung – oral and written


Department für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Schellingstraße 3 (RG)
80799 München

Raum: 162 RG
Telefon: +49 (0)89 2180-5703

siehe LSF (bei Fehlermeldung bitte in LSF einloggen)

Weitere Informationen


Intermediate Writing, Oral Proficiency, Integrated Skills, Translation, Advanced Vocabulary, Business English, Writing Skills, Landeskunde

Sonstige Tätigkeiten

C-Test, Lektorenvertreter (abwechselnd)


Nov 1993 - to date: Lektor at the Institut für Englische Philologie, LMU München
2000-2002: Break from teaching, second son born, Erziehungsurlaub
1997-1998: English teacher at Bayerische Landesbank, München
1996: Diploma in Teaching English for Special Purposes (Business), International Learning Centre, Edinburgh. (also first son born)
1994-1999: Oral Examiner for CEIBT (Business Exam), FCE, Cambridge Advanced and CPE
1992-1993: German and French teacher at Bishopshalt Comprehensive School, England
1990-1992: English teacher at the Cambridge Institute, München
1989-1990: PGCE German and French at Homerton College, Cambridge, UK
1985-1989: BA (Hons) 2.1 European Studies, majors: German and Human Geography at the University of Bradford, UK
1987-1988: Study year at the Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien
1986-1987: ESL Course, Bradford Language Scheme and teacher to Indians and Pakistanis in Bradford
1985: A-Levels: English, German and French at Bishop Ramsey C of E Comprehensive School, UK