- Handl, Susanne (2011), "Online access: Collocations in the electronic age", in Bauer, Renate & Ulrike Krischke (2011), More than words. English lexicography and lexicology - past and present. Essays presented to Hans Sauer on the occasion of his 65th birthday, part I, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 461-481.
- Schmid, Hans-Jörg & Susanne Handl, eds., (2010), Cognitive foundations of linguistic usage patterns, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
- Schmid, Hans-Jörg & Susanne Handl (2010), “Introduction” in Schmid & Handl (2010: 1-9).
- Handl, Susanne & Eva-Maria Graf, “Collocation, anchoring and the mental lexicon – an ontogenetic perspective” in Schmid & Handl (2010: 119-147).
- Graf, Eva-Maria & Susanne Handl (2009), “Collocations in Language Acquisition: The Emergence of Patterns”, in Eckstein, Lars & Christoph Reinfandt (eds.), Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen. Proceedings, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 447-456.
- Handl, Susanne (2009) “Towards collocational webs for presenting collocations in learners’ dictionaries”, in Barfield, Andy & Henrik Gyllstad (eds.), Collocating in another language: Multiple interpretations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 69-85.
- Handl, Susanne (2008) “Essential collocations for learners of English: the role of collocational direction and weight” in: Meunier, Fanny & Sylviane Granger (eds.), Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 43-66.
- Handl, Susanne (2008), Collocation - convenience food for the learner - a corpus-based, EFL-oriented study of habitual syntagmatic lexical relations, Uni München: Diss. Micro Fiche.
- Handl, Susanne (2004) with Leonhard Lipka and Wolfgang Falkner, “Lexicalization & Institutionalization. The state of the art in 2004”, SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2-19.