


Betreute Abschlussarbeiten

Cognitive Linguistics:
1. Role archetypes and surface structure categories (BA)
2. Applying the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor: VIRUS as a Source Domain (BA)
3. Metaphern und Metonymien - Am Beispiel der Antifolk-Szene um Adam Green (BA)
4. Figurative Language in Advertising (BA)
5. Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes and Basic Levels (BA)
6. The Conceptual Structure of Everyday Lexemes in Nigerian English (BA)
7. Conceptual Blending Theory and Print Advertisements (MA)
8. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Languages - A Cognitive Perspective (MA)
9. A Cognitive Approach to Metaphorical and Idiomatic Expressions in English and Bulgarian (MA)
10. "Satan is a Loser". Metaphor and Cultural Variation in African Christian Texts (MA)
11. Gesture & Metaphor - How Images Fuel Thought (BA)
12. Conceptual Blending Theory and Print Advertisements (MA)
13. Metaphor Productivity in Business Discourse (MA)
14. The Language of Football - A Comparison of Metaphors and Metonymies in English and German Football Commentaries (MA)
15. Body Part Metaphors in English, German and Hungarian (MA)
16. The Metaphorical Conceptualization of Love and Partnership - A Crosslinguistic Approach (MA)
17. Conceptualization of HOUSE AND HOME. A Contrastive Lexico-Semantic Study of the Semantic Field HOUSE AND HOME in Nigerian and American English (Zula)
18. The Conceptual Structure of Everyday Lexemes in Nigerian English (BA)
19. Metaphor in Economic Discourse: A Comparison of Metaphors in Companies' Self- Representation and External Reporting (MA)
20. The processing of English and German Compounds: A Cognitive Study (MA)
21. Spatial expressions in German and English. On differences and difficulties in combining topological and projective information (MA)
22. Bilingualism: Bilingual children in interpersonal communication (MA)
23. Investigating the Mental Lexicon. Development of Collocation Processing (Zula)
24. Understanding Metaphors. An Experimental Study of Metaphor Universality and Variation (MA)
25. Patterns of language use during bilingual language development: ‘I can say it how I want to’ (MA)
26. A Corpus analysis of the use of English motion verbs in written and spoken language (Zula)
27. Stumbling Blocks in Speech Production. A Study of the Inner and Outer Influences on Slips of the Tongue (BA)
28. Concept vs. meaning (BA)

Discourse analysis and pragmatics:
1. Telephone Conversations From A Conversation Analysis Perspective (BA)
2. Spoken and Written Discourse in Intercultural Business Communication (MA)
3. Communication Accommodation Theory: Modifications of Language Addressed to Children (MA)
4. To Please or not to Please: A Cross-Cultural Study of Perception of Politeness in In-Train Announcements (MA)
5. A Stylistic Comparison of British and Indian Newspapers (BA)
6. Sports Commentaries (BA)
7. The use of adjectives in written and spoken English (BA)
8. Ein empirischer Vergleich von englischen und deutschen Filmtiteln (1903 - 1993) auf der Grundlage von verschiedenen Übersetzungstypen (BA)
9. Anglizismen auf deutschen Party-Flyern - Entstehung, Entwicklung und Rezeption (MA)
10. Spoken and Written Discourse in Intercultural Business Communication (MA)
11. Football Bigotry and Metaphors in the Internet - on the Example of the Old Firm (MA)
12. Text Analysis of Crisis Management Press Reports (MA)
13. Communication Accommodation Theory: Modifications of Language Addressed to Children (MA)
14. The Language of Sports Journalism - A Stylistic Analysis of Basketball Articles in American and Serbian Print Media (MA)
15. The use of adjectives in written and spoken English (BA)
16. The Function of Accents and Dialects in British Films and their Translation into German (MA)
17. Coherence in Humorous Conversation (MA)
18. The Language of Reggae and Rastafari (MA)
19. Presuppositions in advertisements - an analysis of their functions (Zula)
20. The Translation of Humor. An analysis based on examples from the sitcom Friends (MA)
21. Wortspiele und ihre Übersetzung. Englisch - Deutsch. (MA und Zula)
22. Language and Translation in Multilingual Business Communication (MA)
23. Coherence and understanding in hypertexts and traditional texts (BA)
24. Coherence in computer-mediated communication (BA)
25. Linguistic Politeness: Empirical Study of Participant Roles in Interaction
26. 'Yes, WE can'. Pronominal choice in political discourse. An approach to political language. (MA)
27. Constructing the enemy and the self: a discourse analysis of US cold war political rhetoric. (MA)
28. The communication of climate change. A discourse analysis on the basis of Al Gore's 'An inconvenient truth'. (MA)
29. A linguistic analysis of historical changes in media discourse on abortion. (MA)
30. The persuasive potential of metaphor in American campaign language. (MA)
31. "Game, sex and match": A gender-oriented discourse analysis of online newspaper coverage on tennis players. (MA)
32. The metaphorical framing of a health crisis. A qualitative-empirical analysis of 'discourse metaphors' and 'metaphor scenarios' in the UK press coverage of swine flu. (MA)
33. Politische Sprache und öffentliche Medien: metaphorische und emotive Konzeptionalisierung der Finanzkrise 2008 (MA)
34. The language of ski racing. A comparison of metaphors and metonymies in English and German television commentaries. (MA)
35. Culture-specific humor and its translation. An analysis of the transfer of culture-related humor in the sitcom The Simpsons. (MA)
36. Doing disagreement - Evidence from the British National Corpus. (MA)
37. “Hockey Talk”: Metaphorical Language in the National Hockey League (Zula)
38. An Analysis of the Language of Fandoms (MA)
39. Misunderstandings and their humorous effect in sitcoms (MA)
40. All you need is love?: A linguistic investigation of song lyrics from different music genres (MA)
41. Analysing the Language of Press Releases(MA)
42. An explorative approach to construction-based stylometry (MA)
43. Mixed-language and Monolingual Advertising Slogans – a Linguistic Study on Remembrance (MA)
44. Analysing interrogations from CSI: NY with different pragmatic theories (Zula)
45. Metaphern für Morality (Zula)
46. Computational Content Analysis of Spoken Conversations (Zula)
47. The conventionality of metaphors (Zula)
48. Applying Grice – a Linguistic Analysis of Irony in ‘How I Met Your Mother’ (BA)
49. Persuasion in political discourse (BA)

1. Epistemische Modalität und Evidentialität in british-englischen und bulgarischen Zeitungstexten.
2. "Who chose who(m)": A corpus-based socio-historical study of relative markers in Late Middle English and Early Modern English. (MA)
3. Form-Funktions-Einheiten im Zweitspracherwerb ¬– eine Fehleranalyse vor konstruktionsgrammatischem Hintergrund. (Zula)
4. Searching for converging evidence: A empirical study of verb-complementation patterns (BA)
Lexicology and phraseology:
1. Eine kontrastive Analyse der Basic Color Terms im Englischen und Serbokroatischen (MA)
2. Nonce-Formations in the Language of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (MA)
3. A Matter of Taste. A Lexical Semantic Analysis of Taste. Descriptions on the Basis of Wine & Whisky under Consideration of Physiological & Cognitive Aspects (MA)
4. About Sleeping Dogs and Busy Beavers. A Culture-Oriented Contrastive Analysis of Animal Idioms in English, German and French (Zula)
5. Compound Nouns in English and French - A Conceptual Approach (Zula)
6. The processing of English and German compounds: A cognitive study (Zula)
7. New Words in the Speech Community. A Study of their Spread on the Internet (MA)
8. The Potential of the Internet for Lexicography (MA)
9. Collocation-based semantic analysis: the case of the verbs drive and ride (Zula)
10. Understanding compounds in English as a Lingua Franca Discourse (MA)
11. Conversion of prepositions – why do some prepositions convert to adjectives, nouns and verbs and others do not? (Zula)
12. e-mail, e-tail and e-, iPod, iGod and iPocalypse: A structural and semantic analysis of formations containing the one-letter-prefixes e- and i- in English
13. The diffusion of neologisms from the sitcom How I Met Your Mother into ‘everyday English’ (Zula)
14. Latinismen im Englischen und Deutschen – Eine Analyse (Zula)
15. New Words in the mind (MA)
16. The effect of word-formation processes on the retention of new words in children and teenagers (MA)
17. The Emergence of Novel Meaning in Morphological Blends on the Basis of Conceptual Blending (MA)
18. Compound spelling in English. A native speaker survey on establishment of rules and influences in choice of spelling format (MA)
19. Neologisms in live presentations (MA)
20. A quantitative analysis of the productivity of final combining forms in present-day English (MA)
21. Mechanisms of Word Formation and Lexical Change in Contemporary Dance Terminology (MA)
22. Haul, swatchen, Dupe und matchy. Anglizismen in deutschsprachigen YouTube-Kosmetikvideos (MA)
23. Should a language reject its own ancestors? Romance-based anglicisms in the French purism campaign (Zula)
24. Victory, Defeat or Surrender? A Methodological Discussion of Two Approaches to Meaning. Definition of a Word-Field (Zula)
25. Kollokationen in der Wortschatzarbeit – Verbesserungsvorschläge für die Praxis (Zula)
26. Polysemy and Homonymy in the Context of Categorization – An Experiment (Zula)
27. ’All Greek to me’ – a corpus-based analysis of nation-related phraseological units (Zula)
28. Investigating recent semantic change (BA)

Language and gender:
1. Investigating the variables text-type, gender, age, and education in the written component of ICE-GB (BA)
2. Women in conversation with women and men (BA)
3. Features of women talk - a movie analysis (BA)
4. Gender-preferential language use in same-sex and mixed-sex conversations (BA)
5. Women Talk (MA)
6. Managing Identities: Language, Power and Gender at Work (MA)
7. Geschlechtermarkierte Sprache in Sitcoms - Sprachliches Doing Gender am Beispiel von Friends (Zula)
8. Geschlechtsrollenstereotype in Schulbüchern – exemplarisch untersucht an Englischlehrbüchern in Bayern (Zula)
9. Gemischtgeschlechtliche und gleichgeschlechtliche Kommunikation: Eine korpusbasierte, qualitative Untersuchung (MA)

Varieties of English:
1. English as a Lingua Franca in Kenya (BA)
2. English as a medium of intercultural communication and miscommunication in South Africa (BA)
3. Die englische Sprache in Australien und Neuseeland. Ein Vergleich (BA)
4. Bilingualism and code-switching: Spanish-English speaking children in the USA (BA)
5. Code-Switching in Post-Colonial Societies: The Case of Cameroon - Buea (MA)
6. Spanish Loanwords in American English (MA)
7. Malta: a Sociolinguistic Profile (MA)
8. Testing the Relevance of British-American Spelling Differences (BA)
9. English-Russian Language Contact in the USA (MA)

English in advertising:
1. Anglizismen im deutschen Werbefernsehen (BA)
2. Cohesion in magazine and TV advertisements (BA)
3. Communication in English Cosmetics Advertisements (BA)
4. Has advertising changed over the last thirty years? (BA)
5. Images and texts in advertisements (BA)
6. Images of women and men in printed advertising (BA)
7. Language in advertising - Addressing and targeting the audience (BA)
8. Language in international Advertising - Exemplified by Campaigns for the new BMW 7 Series in the USA (BA)
9. Linguistische Analyse gedruckter englischer Werbeanzeigen (BA)
10. Non-serious speech acts in advertising (BA)
11. Slogans in English Advertising (BA)
12. Textual Aspects of advertisements: Argumentation patterns of intertextuality (BA)
13. Verbal and Non-verbal Codes in American Fashion Advertising - A Case Study (BA)
14. Divergence in the Language of Advertising. A Contrastive Study of English and French Print Advertising (Zula)
15. Presuppositions in Advertisements - an Analysis of their Functions (Zula)
16. English in electronic communication:
17. Metaphors in Advertising Discourse (MA)
18. The importance of being funny. Humour in print advertising. (MA)
19. Culture-oriented marketing in international advertisement: A comparative study of English, French and Italian print advertisement. (MA)

Contrastive Linguistics:
1. Latinismen im Englischen und Deutschen – Eine Analyse (MA)
2. ’Das wird legendär’ – The German dubbing of How I Met Your Mother (MA)
3. Mission (im)possible? – Postnominal attributive adjectives in English and German – a corpus-based analysis (Zula)


Letzte Änderung: 9.06.2015