


Abgeschlossene Dissertationen und Habilitationen

Betreute Dissertationen

  • Aschenbrenner, Anne: "Adjectives as Nouns, Mainly as Attested in ‘Boethius’ Translations from Old to Modern English and in Modern German"; completed 2013; published: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften 47; now also: English and Beyond 1 (Munich: Herbert Utz, 2014).
  • Baeten, Somayeh; "A Comparative Study of Attar's Conference of Birds and Middle English Poetry; especially The Owl and Nightingale, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales and The Parliament of Fowls"; completed 2019; published: English and Beyond 11 (Munich: Herbert Utz, 2020) [Birds, Birds, Birds: A Comparative Study of Medieval Persian and English Poetry, especially Attar’s Conference of Birds, The Owl and the Nightingale, Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls and The Canterbury Tales].
  • Bauer, Renate: "Adversus Judeos: Juden und Judentum im Spiegel alt- und mittelenglischer Texte"; completed 2003; published: TUEPh 29 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2003) [The image of the Jews in Old and Middle English literature].
  • Gärtner, Susanne: “Dialogues with the Old English Soliloquies”; completed 2012.
  • Galler, Matthias: "‘O Death, Thou Comest When I Had Thee Least in Mind!’: Der Umgang mit dem Tod in der mittelenglischen Literatur"; completed 2006; published: TUEPh 34 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2007) [The treatment of death in Middle English literature].
  • Gieszinger, Sabine: "The History of Advertising Language: The Advertisements in The Times from 1788 to 1996"; completed 2000 (TU Dresden); published: TUEPh 23 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2001).
  • Heimerl, Christian (editor): "The Middle English Version of William of Saliceto’s Anatomia …with a Parallel Text of the Medieval Latin Anatomia"; completed 2006; published: MET 39 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2008).
  • Huber, Sophia: "African American Vernacular English as a Literary Dialect: A Linguistic Approach"; completed 2016; published: English and Beyond 6 (Munich: Herbert Utz, 2018).
  • Hubner, Julia Sofia: "We Will Compound this Quarrel (The Taming of the Shrew, 1.2.552): Marlowe, Shakespeare, Jonson and Their Use of Compounds", completed 2017.
  • Kaita, Kousuke: "Modal Auxiliaries from Late Old to Early Middle English, with Special Reference to Agan, Sculan, and Motan"; completed 2012 (LMU; co-supervisor: Prof. Michiko Ogura, Tokyo); published: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften 48; now also: English and Beyond 2 (Munich: Herbert Utz, 2014). The dissertation has been awarded the Matsunami Prize of The Japan Society for Medieval English Studies (JSMES) for 2015.
  • Kirner-Ludwig, Monika: "Heathens, Pagans, Misbelievers: A Lexico-semantic Field Study and its Historio-pragmatic Reflections in Texts from the English Middle Ages"; completed 2013; published: Britannica et Americana 3. Folge, Band 31 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2015).
  • Krischke, Ulrike: "The Old English Complex Plant Names: A Linguistic Survey and a Catalogue"; completed 2010; published: TUEPh 39 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013).
  • Kubaschewski, Elisabeth: "William Caxton’s Ovid: A Critical Edition of Book VI, including its Middle French Source Text and a Linguistic Analysis"; completed 2015; to be published in MET (Heidelberg, Winter).
  • Lamb, Claudia: "Die Authorized Version of the Bible (1611) und ihre Sprache"; completed 2010; published: AF 435 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013). [The language of the Authorized Version of the Bible = King James Bible, 1611].
  • Mager, Wolfgang (editor): "The Middle English Text of 'Caxton’s Ovid', Books II–III. Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 with a Parallel Text of The ‘Ovide moralisé en prose II’. Edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds français 137"; completed 2009; published: MET 53 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2016).
  • Mauk, Renate: "Linguistische Analyse von Geschäftsschildern im räumlichen und zeitlichen Vergleich. Eine Untersuchung in Deutschland, Österreich, der deutsch-sprachigen Schweiz, Frankreich und England", completed 2022.
  • Mertens, Andre: "Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours: Introduction, Edition and Commentary"; completed 2016; published: (Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2017) [The Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours: Edition and Study].
  • Piller, Ingrid: "American Automobile Names"; completed 1995 (TU Dresden); published: Dresdner Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 2 (Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1996).
  • Rumrich, Diana (editor): "The Middle English Text of 'Caxton’s Ovid', Book I. Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 with a Parallel Text of The ‚Ovide moralisé en prose II’. Edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds français 137"; completed 2006; published: MET 43 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2011).
  • Simmelbauer, Andrea: "The Dialect of Northumberland: A Lexical Investigation"; completed 1998 (TU Dresden); published: AF 275 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2000).
    Sutor, Maria: "Non-native Speech in English Literature"; completed 2013; published: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften 51; now also: English and Beyond 3 (Munich: Utz, 2015).
  • Traidl, Veronika: "Telling Tales about Beowulf: The Poem and the Films"; completed 2014; published: English and Beyond 4 (Munich: Utz, 2016).


  • Gwosdek, Hedwig: "Lily’s Grammar of Latin in English: An Introduction of the Eyght Partes of Speche, and the Construction of the Same, edited and introduced by Hedwig Gwosdek"; completed 2009; published (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
  • Lenker, Ursula: “Argument and Rhetoric: Adverbial Connectors in the History of English”; completed 2007; published: TiEL 64 (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2010).
  • Waxenberger, Gaby: “Towards a Phonology of the Old English Runic Inscriptions and an Analysis of the Graphemes”; completed 2010.
