


Programme and Conference Report

Symposium: Historical English Word-Formation

17-18 February 2023
Fachbibliothek Philologicum: Ludwigstraße 25, 80539 München

Conference Report:

  • Majewski, Kerstin. 2023. "Conference Report: Symposium 'Historical English Word-Formation' (17–18 February, 2023; Munich, Germany)". Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation 7 (1): 287‒295. DOI: 10.21248/zwjw.2023.1.96.


Friday, 17 February 2023

TimeTopic (speaker/s)
13:00–13:15 Welcome address (Kerstin Majewski)
13:15–14:00 Conveying Sound: Onomatopoeic Word-Formation in Old English (Maria Flaksman)
14:00–14:45 Digging into Old English Legal Compounds (Daniela Fruscione & Letizia Vezzosi)
14:45–15:15 Coffee break
15:15–16:00 PLENARY: Interface of Old English Dictionaries in Database Format: Integrating Derivational Morphology (Javier Martín Arista)
16:00–16:45 Old English Occasional Word Formation: Language Rules, External Influence, and Personal Choices (Yekaterina Yakovenko)
16:45–17:00 Break
17:00–17:45 Word-Formation in The Battle of Maldon and Modern English (Birgit Schwan)
17:45–18:30 Beyond Rhetoric: The Semantic Components of Kennings and their Role in Aiding Word Retrieval in Oral Old English Poetry (Mihaela Buzec)
18:45 Evening reception

Saturday, 18 February 2023

TimeTopic (speaker/s)
08:45–09:30 Lexical Affix Productivity in the History of English: A Quantitative Approach (Hagen Peukert)
09:30–10:15 A Corpus-Based Study of the Middle English Derivational Suffix -fien (Susanne Lang)
10:15–10:30 Coffee break
10:30–11:15 The Decline of -ment: Was Gender a Factor? (Tanja Säily, Martin Hilpert & Jukka Suomela)
11:15–12:00 Morphologically Marking Epistemicity in the History of English: English -ly and the Functional Diversification of English Adverbs (Ursula Lenker)
12:00–13:30 Lunch break
13:30–14:15 PLENARY: Register as a Predictor for the Use of Phrasal Verbs: A Diachronic Approach (Paula Rodríguez-Puente)
14:15–15:00 Determining the Impact of Verbs Copied from Old French: Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Verbal Prefixes and Verb Particle Combinations in Middle English (Tara Struik & Carola Trips)
15:00–15:15 Coffee break
15:15–16:00 Hybridity in Middle English (Michael Bilynsky)
16:00–16:45 Word-Formations Coined from French, Spanish, German and Yiddish Borrowings in Late Modern English: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective (Julia Landmann)
16:45–17:00 Coffee break
17:00–17:45 Bug doc, medico, piss-prophet, knife happy, waterologer or 007: Different Ways of Naming Medical Doctors in English (Marta Sylwanowicz)
17:45–18:30 Initialisms in Late Modern English Scientific Writing (Katrin Menzel)
18:30–19:15 Structural Analysis of Scientific Neologisms – the Case of Philosophical Transactions (Magdalena Bator)
19:15–19:30 Closing address (Kerstin Majewski)