


Betreuung / Supervision

Laufende Dissertationen

  • Berkl-Horn, Annette: "Lateinisch-englische und englisch-lateinische Lexikographie im England des 15. Jahrhunderts".
  • Buser, Julia: "A new perspective on the traditional vocabulary of Scots: A lexical and semantic study based on the Digital Lexical Atlas of Scotland Database".
  • Flaksman, Mariia: "Old and Middle English sound-imitative vocabulary in language contact situations".
  • Gerstbrein, Heike: "Negotiating Crisis in Anglo-Saxon England".
  • Danielewicz, Ellen: "Word Loss".
  • Knaup, Isabelle: "Names for Hunting Hounds: A Linguistic Study of a Late Middle English List".
  • Molinari, Alessandra: "Somatic Cosmology in the Poetry of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Junius 11".
  • Overgoor, Tizian-Bénédict: "Distinguishing Demonic Voices from God’s through Spiritual Perfection in Medieval English Poetry and Prose".
  • Zhao, Qian: "Binomials and Multinominals in the Chinese and the Recent English Versions of the Lotus Sutra".

Abgeschlossene Dissertationen

  • Harthan, Carolin: "Linking Adverbials in Written Academic English: Usage Patterns and Functions"; completed 2020: Munich Studies in English, vol. 49 (Peter Lang, 2022).
  • Hauf, Christoph: "Construction and Complementation of Verbs of Speaking in the History of English"; completed 2019; published: Munich Studies in English 47 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2021) [Verbs of Speaking and the Linguistic Expression of COMMUNICATION in the History of English].
  • Huber, Judith: "Motion and the English Verb. A Diachronic Study"; completed 2013; published: Oxford Studies in the History of English (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
  • Mauk, Renate: "Linguistische Analyse von Geschäftsschildern im räumlichen und zeitlichen Vergleich. Eine Untersuchung in Deutschland, Österreich, der deutsch-sprachigen Schweiz, Frankreich und England", completed 2022.
  •  Skiba, Michael : "Participle-based Prepositions in the History of English"; completed 2019; published: English and Beyond 13 (Munich: Utz, 2021) [Participial Prepositions and Conjunctions in the History of English].

Abgeschlossene Habilitationen

  • Elsweiler, Christine: “From Shared Meaning to Divergent Pragmatics: A Comparative Study of the Modal Auxiliaries May, Can, Shall and Will in Scottish and English Letters (1500–1700)”; completed 2019.
