



  1. HATE-words and their metaphorical and metonymic conceptualizations from Anglo-Saxon to Present-Day English (Julia Beiersdorfer)
  2. Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Science Communication: The case of Integrated Information Theory (Jeremiah Hendren)
  3. Transitivity in the mind. (Luênya Santiago dos Santos)
  4. Argument alternations in psych verbs form cognitive and psycholinguistic perspectives — A case study of English, German and Russian. (Yana Vodchyts)
  • Abgeschlossene Promotionen (Prof. Schmid):
  1. The conventionality of figurative language. A usage-based study (Dr. Sandra Handl, January 2008)
  2. Cognitive Metaphors in Political Discourse in Malta. Malta and the Case of EU-Membership Debate (Dr. Monica Petrica, January 2011)
  3. The historical development of shell nouns. A diachronic study of abstract noun constructions in English (Dr. Anette Mantlik, January 2012)
  4. The role of frequency in children’s learning of morphological constructions (Dr. Anne-Kristin Cordes, April 2012)
  5. A Web of New Words: On the Conventionalization of English Neologisms (Dr. Daphné Kerremans, July 2012)
  6. "More than meats the eye": The reception of phraseological substitutions in newspaper headlines (Dr. Sylvia Jaki, January 2013)
  7. Why We Don't Cardrive or Bookread, but Slavedrive and Lipread. A Cognitive-Linguistic Appraoch to Verbal Compounds and Pseudo-Compounds (Dr. Angela Lamberty, January 2013)
  8. “I am my own worst enemy.“ A linguistic analysis of interactive dynamics of relational patterns in business coaching conversations (Dr. Angelika Behn-Taran, July 2014)
  9. Form, Meaning and Cognition. Language- and speaker-specific variation in linguistic and non-linguistic forms of interaction with spatial scenes (Dr. Franziska Günther, July 2014)
  10. Cognitive Lexicography. A new approach to lexicography making use of cognitive semantics. (Dr. Carolin Ostermann, July 2014)
  11. The entrenchment and conventionalization of linguistic knowledge. A neurolinguistic perspective. (Dr. Yu-Chun Chang, June 2016)
  12. The structure of frames. An empirical investigation into the nature of conceptual knowledge. (Dr. Stephanie Gerdeißen, July 2016)
  13. Mixed-language and Humorous Advertising Slogans (Dr. Kerstin Fuhrich, January 2018)
  14. Die Caused-Motion-Konstruktion im deutsch-französischen bilingualen Spracherwerb: ein konstruktionsgrammatischer Ansatz (Dr. Katharina Günther, June 2020)
  15. Special passives across the lifespan. Cognitive and social mechanisms (Dr. Lynn Anthonissen, June 2020; double PhD University of Antwerp)
  16. English tri-constituent compounds (Dr. des. Elisabeth Huber, November 2021)
  17. Lexical innovation on the web and social media. Emergence, diffusion, and social variation in the use of English neologisms. (Dr. des. Quirin Würschinger, November 2022)